AS Doll | 163cm Asian Sex Doll-DuJuan
There is 163cm, 32.5kg Asian sex doll .Her eyes are bright, her skin is smooth and elastic. DuJuan’s career is to shoot porn videos. She has long black hair. Many people around the world like to watch her porn videos. DuJuan’s breasts is huge, and she has a lot of sex skills, so she attracts the attention of many people. All The girl standing in front of her is no longer interesting, Sarah always makes people quickly enter the ambiguous atmosphere.
- Brand: AS Sex Dolls
- Height: 163cm
- Body: 144cm
- Neck: 27cm
- Shoulder: 33cm
- Upper Breast: 87cm
- Under Breast: 54cm
- Waist: 51cm
- Hip: 87cm
- Arm: 63cm
- Palm: 14cm
- Leg: 88cm
- Foot: 20cm
- Mouth: 12cm
- Penis: 16cm
- Anus: 14cm
- Net Weight: 32.5KG
- Pakage Size: 154*42*31