Intimate Encounter’s Romantic 52 Recipes on Kaamastra
It contains 52 completely mouthwatering recipe cards to explore. The Intimate Encounters collection presents Romantic Recipes, a simple, easy-to-follow selection of Aphrodisiac Appetizers, Savory Side Dishes, Sumptuous Supper, and Delectable Desserts. Many contain known aphrodisiac ingredients such as strawberries, chilies, rosemary, and chocolate. We are packing enough recipe cards to make at least one beautifully presented, aromatic masterpiece a year. The Romantic recipes are clearly detailed and generally uncomplicated- work on one with a lover before indulging.
27 Sumptuous Supper cards,
10 Savory Side Dish cards,
8 Delectable Dessert cards,
7 Aphrodisiac Appetizer cardsÂ